June 2021 – Open Studio

I have taken part in Suffolk Open Studios I think for 5 or 6 years now. Unfortunately it was cancelled last year but is happening in a slightly different format this year in that there is no big printed directory listing all the artists, but instead there is a great App that lists everyone and shows who is open on each weekend. You can find it here if you haven’t already got it: http://sos.atlas-live.com

The weather is not looking that great for the weekend coming so in addition to the studio at the end of may garden being open, I will be opening up the back of my house which will include my kitchen and dining room! The idea is to have a big sale of art in the house and as I have been tidying up the studio I have realised that I have quite a large number of paintings to clear that are going to be offered at 50% off, so there will be many bargains to be had.

In addition, as I have lots of paintings out at the moment (Ferini gallery, Bent Hill Gallery and The Last Anchor in Ipswich) I found that I needed to do some more new paintings for open studios so I will have some new, small paintings up for sale. I am very excited about them as they have turned out really nicely.

I also have the new style of abstract paintings that I have started this year – I think there are 5 in that collection – and I will be working on one during the weekend.

I have also been making some more greeting cards which will be on sale too.

There will also be a display showing how I create the fluid work – it’s not really possible to do much in the way of a demo on those as they need a dust free location to dry and with people coming and going that is unlikely to happen. However, I do have a couple that are waiting to have their resin coating applied so they are still works in progress.

If you are planning to come and visit then just turn up any time between 11am and 5pm and come round the side of the house. There will be plenty of signs.

There will be hand sanitiser available and only one set of people in the studio at a time.